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اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلقخلق الإنسان من علق
اپنے رب کے نام سے پڑھوجس نے پیدا کیا۔انسان کو خون کے لوتھڑے سے بنایا۔
Recite in the name of your Lord who created -
Iqra biismi rabbika allathee khalaqa
شَوَّال‎ ١٦ ١٤٤٥

Holy book of Islam





Islam, which means “submission to God’s will,” is an Abrahamic religion. “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,” is the central tenet of Islam. Muslims are those who adhere to Islam. Muslims have a whole way of life because of Islam, which is a complete religion. A Muslim must thus accept the validity of all of the books of Allah. In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah asserts that those who have a deep belief in the Hereafter, holy book of Islam Quran, and earlier revelations are those who are genuinely led.

Every holy book contains the revealed, uncreated word of Allah. Regarding its acceptance of Allah’s revelations, Islam is superior to the two Abrahamic faiths (Judaism and Christianity). Surah Al Hadid of the Quran confirms that Allah sent His messengers divine literature to teach people of the book Quran. Quran, the holy book of Islam, contains revelations that Allah gave to the Prophet Muhammad.

The seventh century CE saw the creation of the Quran during a 23-year period. Muhammad delivered all of the revelations during sermons and gatherings, and scribes subsequently wrote them all down. Hazrat Abu Bakr, the first caliph of Islam, ordered the compilation of the verses and chapters into a book, which has been the Muslim holy book ever since.


What is the holy book of Islam called?

The holy book of Islam is called the Quran.

The Concept of Tawheed (Oneness of God) in Islam

The concept of Tawheed, or the Oneness of God, lies at the heart of Islam. It teaches that there is only one God, known as Allah, who is the Creator of everything. Tawheed emphasizes that Allah is unique and incomparable, with no partners or associates. Muslims believe that acknowledging Tawheed is fundamental to their faith. It means recognizing Allah’s supreme authority, worshiping Him alone, and obeying His commands. Tawheed guides Muslims to lead a life of devotion and sincerity, seeking Allah’s pleasure in all their actions. Understanding Tawheed helps Muslims establish a deep connection with Allah, fostering a sense of purpose, gratitude, and reliance on Him in their daily lives.

How many holy books are there in Islam?

There are 4 books of Allah in Islam, which were revealed in different eras on different Prophets:

  1. Tawrat revealed on Prophet Musa (AS)
  2. Zabur revealed on Prophet Dawud (AS)
  3. Injeel revealed on Prophet Eesa (Jesus, AS)
  4. Quran revealed on Prophet Hazrat Muhammad SAW)



The Tawrat, also known as the Torah, is a sacred scripture in Islam, revered as the divine revelation given to the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him). It is considered one of the holy books mentioned in the Quran, alongside the Injeel (Gospel), Zabur (Psalms), and the Quran itself. The Tawrat contains guidance and laws that were revealed by Allah to guide the Children of Israel. It encompasses stories of the prophets, moral teachings, and legal principles that serve as a source of wisdom and guidance for Muslims. While Muslims respect the Tawrat as a holy scripture, they believe that the Quran supersedes all previous revelations and serves as the final and complete guidance for humanity.


The Zabur, known as the Psalms, is a sacred scripture in Islam believed to be revealed to the Prophet David (Dawud). It consists of poetic hymns and prayers expressing devotion and praise to God. Muslims hold the Zabur in high reverence, considering it a source of spiritual guidance and inspiration.


The Injeel, known as the Gospel, is a holy scripture in Islam believed to be revealed to Prophet Jesus (Isa). It contains teachings on faith, morality, and guidance for humanity. Muslims honor the Injeel as a divine revelation, alongside the Quran, and consider it a source of spiritual wisdom.


The Quran is the central religious text of Islam, considered by Muslims to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It contains guidance and teachings on how to live a righteous life, emphasizing concepts like love, compassion, justice, and mercy. Muslims believe that the Quran is a timeless guide for all aspects of life, providing moral and spiritual direction for individuals and communities. Its verses cover a wide range of topics, including faith, worship, relationships, societal issues, and the natural world. The Quran is revered by Muslims worldwide and is recited, memorized, and studied by millions of people every day, seeking guidance and wisdom from its profound teachings.

How many chapters are there in Quran? 

The Quran contains 114 chapters in all. Ayahs, or verses, make up the chapters, and each one has a distinct importance and meaning. The chapters were revealed in compliance with various guidelines and goals.

Given that there are several copies and editions of the Quran, it is challenging to determine how many verses it includes. The simplest response is that there are 114 chapters and 6,236,631 words in the Quran. There are 286 verses in Surah Al Baqarah, 200 verses in Surah Al-i-Imran, 98 verses in Surah Yunus, and 165 verses in Surah Al-An’am.

Quranic Verses on Science and Nature

The Quran contains verses that touch upon scientific concepts and natural phenomena, offering insights that align with modern scientific understanding. These verses discuss topics such as embryonic development, the water cycle, and the creation of the universe, among others. Muslims view these verses as evidence of the Quran’s divine origin and its relevance in addressing contemporary scientific inquiries, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricate workings of the natural world.

Quran’s account of creation

The narrative of creation is referenced in the Quran.

“Allah created heavens and earth and all that is between them in six days.”


 For life to begin on Earth, He made Adam and Eve. Islam’s first Prophet named, Adam.

Quranic Verses on Patience and Perseverance

The Quran contains verses that emphasize the virtues of patience and perseverance in facing life’s challenges. These verses encourage believers to remain steadfast in times of difficulty, reminding them that with patience comes ease. Muslims turn to these teachings for guidance and strength, finding solace in the Quran’s assurance that perseverance leads to eventual success and reward.

Islam’s Claims Regarding the Quran

With the exception of the opening surah and a petition to Allah, all surahs are addressed to Allah. Angel Jabril gave the Holy Prophet the complete Quran as a revelation. The only unique revelation from Allah is the Qur’an.

In Quran, it is mentioned, “And this Quran is not such as could be forged by those besides Allah, but it is a verification of that which is before it and a clear explanation of the book”

(The Holy Qur’an 10:37)

Charity and Zakat: Obligations and Rewards

Charity and Zakat are fundamental principles in Islam, emphasizing the importance of helping those in need and sharing wealth with the less fortunate. Zakat, one of the Five Pillars of Islam, requires Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to support the needy and uphold social justice. In addition to fulfilling a religious obligation, acts of charity and Zakat are believed to bring immense spiritual rewards and blessings to the giver, fostering compassion and generosity within the community.

How the Quran provides a path to life

The Quran serves as a guiding light, offering a clear path to a fulfilling and righteous life for Muslims. Its verses provide timeless wisdom and moral guidance, addressing various aspects of human existence, from worship to interpersonal relationships. By adhering to the teachings of the Quran, Muslims seek to lead a life of purpose, virtue, and devotion to God, finding solace and direction in its profound and timeless message.

Understanding the Importance of Salah (Prayer) in Islam

Salah, or prayer, holds great significance in Islam as it serves as a direct connection between Muslims and Allah. It is a fundamental pillar of the faith, requiring believers to perform ritual prayers five times a day. Salah provides spiritual nourishment, fosters discipline, and strengthens the bond between individuals and their Creator, guiding them towards a life of mindfulness, gratitude, and devotion.

Quran and the role it plays in a Muslim’s life

Because God revealed the Quran to the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) through the angel Gabriel, Muslims believe it to be significant. The Quran is Divine instruction for humanity and is the divine word. Muslims think that because the Quran is Allah’s message, it has enormous power and influence. The guidelines it puts down are the ways to win Allah’s favor and heaven. The Majestic Quran has the following seven unique qualities and advantages that make it a unique and significant book:

  1. Purpose of life
  2. That Allah is One
  3. That moral, social, and spiritual values are important.
  4. The Prophet is portrayed in the Quran as the ideal role model.
  5. Predictions in the Quran
  6. The influence of the Quran’s teachings on daily life
  7. The teachings of the Quran are grounded in logic


In conclusion, the Quran serves as a comprehensive guide for Muslims, offering timeless wisdom, moral guidance, and spiritual enlightenment. Its teachings cover every aspect of life, from personal conduct to societal norms, providing a roadmap for leading a righteous and fulfilling life. Through reflection and adherence to its principles, Muslims strive to embody the values of compassion, justice, and humility, ultimately seeking to attain closeness to Allah and inner peace. As a source of divine revelation, the Quran continues to inspire and uplift millions worldwide, guiding believers on their journey towards spiritual growth and fulfillment.

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