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اقرأ باسم ربك الذي خلقخلق الإنسان من علق
اپنے رب کے نام سے پڑھوجس نے پیدا کیا۔انسان کو خون کے لوتھڑے سے بنایا۔
Recite in the name of your Lord who created -
Iqra biismi rabbika allathee khalaqa
ذُو ٱلْقَعْدَة ٢ ١٤٤٥



In Islam, the rights of parents are highly valued and emphasized. It is believed that showing kindness, respect, and obedience towards parents is not only a moral duty but also a means of gaining blessings and closeness to Allah. Children are taught to treat their parents with love and care, to listen to their guidance, and to fulfill their needs, especially in their old age. The Quran and the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) stress the importance of honoring and cherishing parents throughout their lives. By upholding these principles, Muslims strive to cultivate strong family bonds and create a harmonious society rooted in compassion and filial piety.


Love your parents” is a simple yet profound message that resonates across cultures and religions. In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the importance of the people who brought us into this world and cared for us throughout our lives. However, in Islam, loving and respecting parents is not just a suggestion; it’s a fundamental obligation. From infancy to adulthood, parents sacrifice their time, energy, and resources to nurture and support their children. In return, Islam teaches us to honor our parents, to appreciate their efforts, and to cherish the bond we share with them. Whether it’s through small gestures of kindness or heartfelt expressions of gratitude, showing love to our parents is a reflection of our faith and a source of immense blessings. So let’s take a moment to reflect on the love and sacrifices of our parents and strive to reciprocate that love in every possible way. After all, there’s no greater blessing in life than the love of a parent.


Showing kindness to your parents is a fundamental principle in Islam that emphasizes the importance of treating our parents with love, respect, and compassion. From the moment we are born, our parents selflessly care for us, providing love, support, and guidance every step of the way. In return, it is our duty as children to reciprocate that kindness and care. This can be as simple as speaking to them politely, helping them with household chores, or spending quality time with them. Islam teaches us that even the smallest acts of kindness towards our parents are highly rewarded by Allah. By showing kindness to our parents, we not only fulfill our religious obligations but also strengthen the bond of love and unity within our families. Let’s strive to emulate the teachings of Islam by showing utmost kindness and gratitude to our parents every day.


The status of a father holds immense significance in Islam, reflecting the respect and honor accorded to him within the family structure. In Islamic teachings, a father is regarded as the head of the household, responsible for providing for his family’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. His role extends beyond mere financial support; he serves as a pillar of strength, guidance, and wisdom for his children. Islam emphasizes the importance of showing reverence and obedience to one’s father, recognizing his sacrifices and contributions towards nurturing and shaping the family unit. Furthermore, the relationship between a father and his children is regarded as one of mutual love, respect, and care. By upholding the status of the father and fulfilling his rights, individuals in Islamic society contribute to the preservation of family harmony and the promotion of moral values.

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The status of a mother in Islam is elevated to the highest degree, emphasizing her unparalleled role and significance within the family unit. Islam teaches that paradise lies at the feet of mothers, underscoring the immense respect, love, and honor that should be accorded to them. A mother is the epitome of selflessness, compassion, and nurturing care, as she tirelessly tends to the needs of her children with unwavering devotion. From the moment of conception, a mother undergoes immense sacrifices and hardships to bring her children into this world and raise them with love and compassion. In Islam, obedience to one’s mother is considered a fundamental duty, and her happiness and contentment are highly valued. The status of a mother is not just revered; it is cherished and celebrated, serving as a guiding light for her children and a source of boundless love and affection. Through honoring and respecting their mothers, individuals in Islamic society uphold the values of compassion, gratitude, and family harmony.


In conclusion, whether discussing the status of parents, the rights of mothers or fathers, or the importance of showing kindness and love to our parents in Islam, one thing remains clear: family is at the heart of Islamic teachings. It is within the family unit that the values of compassion, respect, and love are cultivated and nurtured. As we navigate through life’s journey, let us always remember the invaluable role of our parents and strive to honor them in every possible way. May we embody the teachings of Islam by showing kindness, respect, and gratitude to our parents, for they are the foundation upon which our lives are built. Let us cherish every moment with them and never miss an opportunity to express our love and appreciation.

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